Monday, October 10, 2005

I am so excited. This past weekend it was cold! :) Okay, well not really cold...but in the 70's! And for me...that is getting pretty chilly. It was raining this morning. It was so nice, that I thought about wearing my Angora hat, soft scarf and leather gloves with Angora trim...I almost did...but decided it was a bit eccentric. :) Maybe tomorrow.

The christening was so sweet yesterday. William was adorable, (of course) in his white gown, and he smiled at all the right was a very sweet event. The camera was dead, so photos will have to wait until I get the disk from a friend from church.


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Tiff, you could try deleating some

  2. What? What would I delete? And who are you, anyway?

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Mynameis Nemo.

  4. Oh, my goodness. Cold at seventy degrees? That's HOT. It's in the fifties here, and in Minnesota it's snowing! And here still, people aren't yet wearing their winter coats. Some are still even wearing shorts. Apparently, we don't know a good thing when we have it. It guess it's the dread of the next five months of cold and snow.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Here in Michigan...its been in the 50's also...I really like summer, its just cold for so long!

  6. Here in the Bahamas it's a cool 85. :-D

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Wow...thats pretty cool! :) nice lol.


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