As I sit here and look around our living room, many memories come and flood my mind. I remember when we first moved in, the first night I slept in my room, every party we have had, the many people from the states and across the globe staying in our home. So much has happened in the short time that we have lived here, and so much is about to change.
We are very excited to be moving to a new area, a more cooler and beautiful place in this country. We are ecstatic to be welcomed into a new family where my Dad will be leading a growing church. We are thrilled to be some of the few people to venture up to the great
west (not north, remember? ;-)) and bring some southern flavor to our area. We cannot wait for the snow, fresh corn, the hills, the wide sky and no city sounds or lights. So many new things, changes and experiences.
Yet, while we are excited about this change, there is also a touch of sadness in our going away. We will be leaving our church family here. Our relatives are here, the community that we have worked with and ministered to will not be moving with us. The home we built - the people we love. And yes, the restaurants. :)
This Thursday, we will be moving out of the place we have called "home" for eight years. While the brick structure may stay, the memories will go and stay with us forever. We will still be a family, we will still be together, and we will continue to fulfill God's call for our lives and remember that He is the one who holds us together, who He leads and directs us, and His plan for our lives is flawless.