Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This past Saturday was Pi day, and since we're always looking for an excuse to do something fun, we decided to celebrate! Everything we ate that day was circular and cut like pie! We had quiche for breakfast, had it again for lunch (okay, so we were kinda lazy around lunch time, so we threw in some leftovers for those who were quiched out! :)), and then we had homemade pizza for dinner! Apple pie was also on the menu, and it finished baking around dinner time. When we were done with dinner, warm apple pie with a crumb topping was waiting for us! So, without further ado, here are some pictures of our fun day...

Our little man takes a quick nap before the "party" begins.

The sprinkling of the cheese.

The pie in it's completed form.

Three Aunts with three pizzas.

Abigail wonders when we can actually eat it!

Mmmmmm...maybe we'll put pizza on the menu again.

William and his apple pie.

Abigail and her apple pie.


  1. Okay, now I'm really hungry.=^)

  2. Oh my goodness, my mouth is still watering!!!!


    Really, that was delicious. And I happen to be very hungry right now as I'm smelling dinner in the oven, so that could be helping. :-D

    Pizza, again, please? :)

    Love you sis! ~Jess

  3. YUM.... Tiffany! ;)
    Everything looks scrumptious..... there is indeed nothing like good homemade pizza and that apple pie with whip cream....ummmm.... what can I say?! I wish I could eat some... ;)Hope you are doing well, dear friend! Blessings & Hugs!!

    Lots of Love,
    Miss Jen

    The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star."
    ~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

  4. Elizabeth,

    Sorry... :) There's really nothing quite like homemade pizza!


    lol...I know! I wish we had made more than two! :) Yes, we'll definitely going to have to put pizza on the menu! :)

    Love you!


    You're right...and I actually liked the apple pie this time! It looks like the apple pies will be made sooner than pizza, but oh well!

    I hope it's warming up at your place! Love ya!

  5. We really like homemade pizza at our house. My dad is the one who makes it.

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I have been reading your blog for several months now and am thoroughly enjoying it! You have so many neat ideas. I love to see what type of fun y'all are cooking up! I had no idea there is a Pi day, but am now better informed. =)

  7. And to think I am not eating dessert until Easter. Oh boy. I better not look at that apple pie picture any more!

  8. That's a neat idea! (Besides, if doing that includes eating apple pie and pizza, I'm all for it!)

  9. You have been awarded!!!

  10. Elizabeth,

    My dad enjoys eating it. :)


    I'm glad you've enjoyed it! It's always encouraging to know that people find ideas and things from my blog! Pi day comes every year, so make sure you plan for next year! ;) Thanks for dropping by!


    Well, come Easter, you can make lots of apple pie! :)


    Yes, we were pretty thrilled when we found out about Pi day...any excuse to eat "pie" all day must be a good one! :)


    Thanks! Ahhh...I need to go see your new posts! :)


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