Thursday, February 16, 2006

I sometimes wonder...

I hear quite often - that for everything, there is a reason. We read in Scripture that a generation goes, a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun goes down and hastens to the place where it rises, the wind blows to the south and goes around to the north, around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns...and yet there is nothing new under the sun.

The events in my life that are passing before my eyes today, have happened before. It is human nature to attach ourselves to something which we hold dear, and then comes the sorrow of goodbye. Perhaps it is death that separates us from loved ones for the time being, perhaps it is a move, but whichever it might be, to say good-bye is never fun. The tears and the pain are hard to bear.

And even though they be hard to bear, God knows our sufferings. He remembers our feeble frame, He remembers that we are but dust. He is compassionate...He is merciful...He is love. His strength will carry us where our flesh will not. He will not test us beyond what we are able. He will be there to hold our hand and lift us up when we fall. His hand will be there to guide us when we think we cannot go on. He will be the one to hold us over the hot flames as He removes the dross from our nature. He will, because He is.

I sometimes wonder...

The pains and toils in this life must surely be here to give us a greater appreciation for what is to come.


  1. Anonymous11:58 PM

    My darling right you are (and at such a young age). :-)There are seasons of purging in our lives that are oh so painful, and oh so necessary.

    It's so easy to accept the blessings from God's hand and so hard to receive the suffering. I pray I can get to a place where I am just as content with accepting the suffering as I am the blessings - knowing they are both for my good.

    Remember this quote from George MacDonald:

    "But Thou art making me, I thank Thee, sire.
    What Thou hast done and doest Thou know’st well.
    And I will help Thee; gently in Thy fire
    I will lie burning; on Thy potter’s wheel
    I will whirl patient, though my brain should reel.
    Thy grace shall be enough the grief to quell,
    And growing strength perfect through weakness dire.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Hey Tiffany-
    Are you guys coming to Michigan at all this year?! :) That'd be alot of fun. How's things with you all? I hope they're wonderful.
    Talk to you soon!!!

    God bless,

  3. Hey Kayla,

    We will be there this year! :) Can't wait to see you!

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Where are you guys going to be? Lansing? It's about an hour away from us, I am sure we'll see y'all. Is the whole family coming?


  5. I'm not sure where it is...but yup...we will all be there! :) See you soon!

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Hey- We wern't coming to the conference, but I can come up and visit y'all since it isn't very far from us! Josh and I would love to see ya guys.
    We should practice the Viginia Reel...haha! ;)


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